When Unexpected Changes Hit: Switching Careers In Your 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond

Recessions bring on layoffs; and no one is safe from the torrential job market. Not even those with years invested in specific companies or careers.

So what can we do to not let the crazy job market affect our day to day life? Here at OneDegree Careers we believe that it’s never too late to tackle new challenges. Sometimes life can throw curveballs your way, but knowing that in the realm of unexpected career changes, nothing should stop you: not even age! Career pivots, especially those out of your control, can be scary and at times very daunting. But what can you do to make this transition as stress free as possible?

Let’s break it down.


Have a vision for what you want your future to look like, and don’t lose sight of it. Some career moves can be risky but if it takes you one step closer to the end goal, it’s worth it. Even if you are still questioning what new field you want to enter, setting focused goals in terms of job placement and timeline is very important for your success. Approach with transition with curiosity and ask questions to those around you. Setting up something as simple as a 100-Day Plan can take the overwhelming feeling off your shoulders and give you a great visual on your journey that you can easily check off as you go.

With focus comes the need to reach out to others that can help you in this transition. Take control of this time and go through your contacts. Go out for coffee or lunch with past friends and family, and rekindle connections that you might have left fizzle out over the years. Remember, there is no reason to not ask those around you for help, which leads us to the second tip.

2. Networking is KEY

Take on this transition with PRIDE. If you are in the position to switch careers on your own accord, let people around you know about the change. Word of mouth is where many deals, careers, and business opportunities are made so don’t shy away from being vocal with your peers. Do you kind yourself shocked by an unexpected lay off? Sometimes, it’s a blessing in disguise. Let people know about your plans of transitioning too! With the global change of COVID that transitioned us to an online-centric way of business, webinars are another way to network in the comfort of your own home. Where do you find these events may you ask? LINKEDIN! With their most recent transition to pushing job posting and hiring efforts, LinkedIn has proven a great source of online events from most all career paths.

You know how the saying goes, ‘fake it til’ you make it’ and by taking on the shock of it all head on by going to networking events might even open up new career opportunities that you probably didn’t think of otherwise. It is important to put your best foot forward and invest in connecting with people in the industry that you want to enter. Below are some great events that might be of interest to you to get more information and grow your network.

  • Career Fairs

  • College or University Lectures

  • Alumni Networking Groups

  • Alumni Networking Groups

  • Roundtable Discussions

  • LinkedIn Webinars

  • Industry-Specific Speaking Engagements

  • Professional Conferences or Work Summit

  • Speed Networking

3. If you can, TAKE YOUR TIME!

Unfortunately, this can’t be a reality for everyone when transitioning to a completely different career, but if possible can be a game changer. What do we mean be this? Some careers require certifications or training so being table to take the time to complete these benchmarks. Do your research on the different requirements needed for the careers that have peaked your interest, and make the best educated decision based on your current lifestyle and financial needs. Even when school or certification is not a requirement, taking your time is never a bad idea. Rushing is usually a recipe for disaster. Doing the proper research in the market you want to enter and weigh the pros and cons of the different roles is time well spent.

Slow and steady wins the race and when interviewing or networking, you want to be as confident and ready as possible. Optimism and a high tolerance for uncertainty can carry you far, but do not expect to find the answers in the matter of days or weeks. Allocate the time to work on you and perfect your goals. With the combination of these three tips, the transition to any new career — although not easy — will provide a good checklist for you to work through!

OneDegree Careers is a platform created to help career seekers explore and choose a high-paying skilled career that doesn’t require college debt. Sign up today for free career mentoring.


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